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Can’t Take the Heat

I usually make blueberry muffins or banana bread at least once a week and I really enjoy baking, so I decided it was time for me to start baking my own bread. It’s a no brainer. I’ve never made bread before and I found a recipe that says it’s so easy even a four year old can make it so I break out my eager five year old, some yeast, warm water and flour and go to town.  Feeling pretty  good right about now because Mia’s five and we’ve got a whole extra years worth of experience here. So we make the dough an d cover it to let it rise.

It was going so well that I decide to keep right on going and make a chocolate chip loaf. I was also planning on making lemon muffins after that, woah. So we mixed the butter and sugar, fighting the urge to eat all of it and got all the ingrediants mixed and in the bowl, and finally in the oven. And that’s the turning point, when all my luck ran out. Dylan starts crying just as the timer goes off. I let the loaf cool a little bit and decided I could flip it out onto a plate while holding him, why not? Keep reading